Fredda Merzon - Metal Sculptor
botanically inspired sculpture from found metal objects

About I began creating metal sculpture in 2007. Utilizing found metal objects rescued from behind the barn,the curb and salvage yards, my work often suggests botanical forms, real
and imagined.
As a long-time gardener, I initially created structures for my own garden to support and enhance live plants. I learned to weld 10 years ago to create stability for my work and to allow me to share my sculptures with other gardens. My formal art education consists of a one-semester Intermediate Sculpture course at SUNY Albany in 2009.
My attraction to used metal is prompted by two factors:
I appreciate the objects’ potential to create an aesthetically pleasing structural design which mimics live plants and the challenge of making metal look soft. I enjoy the process of turning the recognizable forms "on their heads" and then transforming them into something unique that makes people smile and scratch their heads.
The recycling/repurposing aspect of this work appeals to my inherent thriftiness and belief that used metal does not have to be shipped to Japan, and Australia, melted down and shipped back to the US to have a new use: we can keep our old tillers, tedders, bent rebar and plow parts here to create art.
I have participated in 16 individual and group shows in New York and Maine and my sculpture has found new homes in Arizona, Oregon, Montana, North Carolina, Florida, and New Mexico. For the past 9 years I have hosted a garden party and show at my own home. I was the keynote speaker for the Ulster County Cooperative Extension Garden Day in 2018 titled “Garden of Unearthly Delights: Using Art in Your Garden” and gave a similar talk for the Rensellaer County Garden Day in 2015.